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Lobby Signs Serve a Purpose

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Dimensional Lobby Signs NYC

Your lobby is an important part of your business, whether you’re aware of it or not. Your lobby is the first part of your business that most people will encounter. That means that as people enter your lobby they’ll start to form an opinion of who you are and how they feel about you. If you miss this opportunity to make a good impression, it will make it harder for your to impress them later. Or you may wind up ruining their impression of your business totally. With a lobby sign from Street Style Sign Studio, you can be sure your lobby is welcoming, communicating a bit about your business and up to date.

Greet Your Guests

The first job of your lobby sign is to greet your guests. When someone enters your building for the first time, there’s a good chance they may be nervous and unsure of whether they’ve found the right building. A nondescript lobby can enhance these worries and make people more uncomfortable. But with a warm and welcoming lobby sign, you can take some of this stress off your guests and make sure they feel welcome as they enter your building.


Another great thing about lobby signs is that they give you the opportunity to immediately give people a little information about your business and what is important to you. With the copy and colors of your lobby signs you can let people know who you are, what you do and even give them a little information about your values. For example, if helping the environment is important to your business, using a green color in your sign can give this impression or reinforce it. Or if your business is a daycare, a playful font for your sign and a multicolored display can show that you care about the kids you work with having fun.

Keep Up

Your lobby signs also can show people that you keep up with the times. An outdated sign will reflect poorly on your business and give people the impression that your business practices are as outdated as your signs. With a sleek, modern design, you can be sure people get the impression that your business is up to date.

Your Lobby Signs

If you’re interested in a lobby sign, contact our team today!

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