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Custom Lobby Logo Signs That Inspire Confidence and Trust

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Custom Philos Project White Wall Lobby Signage in New York

Lobby signs are your way of welcoming every client, employee, vendor, and guest to your place of business. There’s a lot of thought that goes into creating and designing custom lobby logo signs. The logo sign is your signature sign that should immediately identify your brand and what you do. We collaborate with businesses to find the perfect lobby logo sign style to impress and enhance their brand recognition. 

What Makes a Lobby Logo Sign Effective

Lobby signs should be a perfect representation of your brand. The style, materials, graphics, and colors should all work together to tell your brand story. An effective logo sign should be a physical embodiment of all other branding and promotional materials. It should be professional, vibrant, eye-catching, and dynamic. 

Multidimensional Lobby Logo Signs

Placing your lobby sign correctly is part of the creative process.

To get noticed, all of your signage needs to have energy, pop out, and demand attention. For that reason, multidimensional lobby logo signs are by far the most popular. When you create dimension, we work to find the best materials that compliment your brand and use colors and textures that will create contrast and interest to draw more attention to your sign. 

When we design custom reception signs for our clients, we always start by understanding your brand and the message you want to convey. We also look at all other branding so that your lobby sign is a continuation of your existing branding strategy. Our goal is to take a two-dimensional graphic of your logo and make it come to life, and capture all the things that make your brand unique.

We consider the full picture with every lobby logo sign.

Placement is critical to our creative process. When clients enter your lobby, the logo sign should be the first thing they see, instantly letting them know they have arrived in the right place. A strategically placed logo sign can be a sign of comfort, especially for new clients unfamiliar with our offices. Logo signs are typically placed in a central location in your lobby, either above the reception desk or on the reception desk itself. Depending on the placement, we’ll find the best, most attractive, and creative solutions for your lobby sign. 

If you want to impress clients and make your business look more professional, and inspire trust and confidence with custom lobby logo signs, the Street Style Studio team is ready to help. 

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